
A patent protects your invention by giving you, the patent owner, a legal right to prevent others from manufacturing, using, selling or importing your patented invention. The patent owner can take legal actions to prevent any third party from using the patented invention in the respective jurisdiction without permission, and seek relief, such as injunction and/or an order for damages, against the infringer.

How can SWCS be of service?

At SWCS, we assist you in safeguarding your invention through providing the following services:

Patent Application

  • Conducting patent search
  • Drafting patent specification according to technical disclosure
  • Preparing and filing patent application with Patent Office worldwide
  • Prosecuting the patent application
  • Monitoring and reporting the status of the application

Patent Prosecution

  • Reviewing and analyzing the office action
  • Analyzing the patent application and the cited references to properly respond
  • Drafting an argument and preparing a response to the pending office action
  • Filing a request for reexamination in the case of application being rejected

Patent Portfolio Review and Management

  • Revising patent specification for filing oversea applications
  • Suggesting filing patent applications in necessary jurisdictions according to your business
  • Translating patent specification into other required languages
  • Filing PCT application for further filing oversea patent applications
  • Attending to payment of annuity
  • Restoring the lapsed patent within the specified time limit
  • Handling patent assignments, licensing and exploitation

Patent Invalidation

  • Analysing the patent claims and the reference documents to determine the possibility of invalidation
  • Advising on how to defend the request of invalidation
  • Preparing and filing request of invalidation with Patent Office
  • Attending to oral hearing
  • Handling patent administrative litigation


Patent Infringement and Enforcement

  • Analyzing the infringing product and patent document, and provide comments and suggestions
  • Collecting evidences to fulfil the burden of proof
  • Drafting and issuing cease and desist letter to the infringer
  • Filing petition with patent administrative department for settling dispute
  • Taking court action for claiming damages and related cost


Design Service

  • Design searching
  • Consulting and advising on registered design applications
  • Preparing and prosecuting registered design applications
  • Providing opinion on design and copyright infringement
  • Advising on maintenance of registered design
  • Advising on registered design assignment, licensing and exploitation


Protect your invalulable innovations, creations and assets from infringements

Corporate Structure Rationalisation

Assisting you to re-organize your company for a stronger foundation

Trademark Services

An essential part of protecting and building your brand


Assisting you to stay compliant through proper disclosure of relevant transactions